Unlock Your Childs Inner Harmony with Chakra Balancing!
Imagine your child thriving emotionally, physically, and spiritually. ✨
By aligning their chakras, you give them the foundation to navigate life’s early challenges with peace and balance.
Module 3
Principles of Chakas
Use the power of ThetaHealing to perform an Energy Audit on your child and see what's being trapped in their Chakras that's affecting their sleep, mood, energy and health.
❤️Your views on money, relationships & self worth is grounded in your childs Root Chakra
🧡How you see yourself, body and ability to receive affects your kids Sacral Chakra
💛Your level of happiness will show up in your childs Solar Plexus Chakra
💚If you hold onto resentment, anger and regret, that will block your childs Heart Chakra
💙Your ability to speak your truth clearly, freely and confidently will influence your childs Throat Chakra
💜Your doubt and poor judgement will be held in your kids Third Eye Chakra
🤍 Your feelings of disbelief, abandonment or disconnection will be mirrored in your childs Crown Chakra
Without knowing HOW these Chakras are developed and how to support them, the same beliefs and programming get passed on generation through generation.
You have the ability to stop it here.🌱
Through working with their unique energy signature, you have the ability to support their spiritual growth all while healing yourself.
How Chakra Balancing Transforms Your Childs Life:
Chakra Balancing
is the Key
✨You know you don't want to vaxxinate, use meds, or western medicine to heal your kids… but what's the alternative?
✨Working on the energetics of your childs can enhance their quality of life.
✨From cutting cords, clearing up birth trauma, or even assist recovery from a cold, this work is powerful, easy, non-invasive, and effective.
✨Ensure your children grow up loving themselves, with self confidence & with a healthy body through balancing their chakras.
Get all the tools, resources, wisdom and healing needed to support your child's spiritual growth for only:
What you'll learn?
A deeper understanding of your childs chakra development & how to best support them
How to tune into each energy center & clear stagnant energy
The signs their chakras are underdeveloped
The physical & emotional causes of blocked chakras
How to heal Chakras in your child (and yourself)
How to trust your intuition & have unshakable confidence to heal your child energetically